Boy Scouts
Something I really enjoy is camping. One way I can do this regularly is through Boy Scouts. As of November 2013, I am an Eagle Scout. A position that I have held in my troop is the SPL or Senior Patrol Leader. This means that I was in charge of the Boy Scout Troop. I led the meeting every week, led the troop on campouts, and was one of the people in charge of planning for both meetings and outings. I have learned so much from this position. Specifically, I have dramitically improved my people skills (dealing with difficult people). I also learned how to delegate to other people. This was probably the hardest lesson to learn. At first, I wanted to do everything myself, but I quickly found that I can't do everything. Instead, I delegate/tell other people to do what I see needs to be done. This way, I am the one sovling the problems, but don't actually do the fixing. The last major thing I learned from being SPL is to make decisions and not second guess myself. Many times, theres not just one solution to a problem. I used to want other people to make the decision even if there wasn't a right answer. Through being SPL I have grown in trusting myself and my decisions. One of my favorite part of scouts is summer camp at Chief Logan Reservation (CLR). It is a week long and I can earn a lot of merit badges in one week. Boy Scouts is a good opportunity for me to learn many important life skills and I enjoy it very much.