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At the Dayton Regional STEM School, one of the main tools used to teach students is through projects, specifically group projects. Instead of just sitting around, taking notes, and completing tests, we students are able to conduct our learning in a much more hands on manor. Throughout the years at this school, I have built a company based of products we actually created, interviewed an immigrant to hear their experience of coming to America, and have used actual engineering techniques to build puzzled cubes and model cars. It is these projects that sets STEM apart and prepares the students for their careers later in life.  

In my 8th grade year at STEM, my favorite project we did was the immigration project. This really helped expose me to people and cultures outside of my own country. I think this project made me a better citizen in the world and more excepting of people's differences.

In my 9th Grade year at STEM, my favorite project that we did was the Aerospace project. This project exposed to many aspects that are involved in running a business, how to make formal presentations in front of evaluators, and important laws of commerce such as the law of supply and demand.

In my 10th grade year at STEM, my favorite project was the Conflict and Genocide Poster project. This project taught me a lot about the many genocides that occured during the 20th century and helped me get better at creating a final product that s effectively gets its message across.

In my 10th grade year at STEM, my favorite project that we did was the Diabetes Model project we did in Advanced Biomedical Science. This project taught me a lot about diabetes, helped me realize how serious this disease can be, and also helped me discover that I can be creative when I put my mind to it.

Once I have completed my 12th grade year at STEM, I will be happy to share with you about my favorite project. Come back in 2016 to find out.

© 2015 by Nathan Keefer

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