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Chinese Weather Project


In the first quarter of our Chinese 3 DEP class we focused on reviewing what we had learned last year, and then learned lesson 11 from our textbook. We learned many new vocabulary words and grammar facts to help enhance our speaking and understanding of the Chinese language. We then each created a video of Chinese weather forecast, with us acting as the news caster. The purpose of this project was to represent our learning and understanding of the Chinese language by creating a weather report for two different cities for three days. The final product that we created was a video of our weather forecast. This involved us using the new vocabulary and grammar we had learned. The goal was to create a weather report that was as accurate as possible and to make it sound authentic. This quarter, the biggest way I grew was in my ability to communicate the Chinese language, both in written and verbal forms.


The first thing we did after finishing our review of the concepts we had learned the previous year was to learn the new vocabulary. This was done by completing various homework assignments, including a character packet, and by doing QQ’s (quick quizzes) on the vocabulary studied in the homework so we would memorize the vocabulary’s meaning and learn how to write the character. To study for these quizzes, we used an online program called Quizlet. On this website, we can use a variety of methods including flashcards and games to memorize vocabulary, and understand concepts. Once we knew the vocabulary, we began to learn how to use the vocabulary in sentences. This was also taught by various homework assignments and QQ’s. Once we had learned the new vocabulary and grammar, we were assigned the task of creating a weather report video with us acting as the news castor. We were shown examples of Chinese weather reports to get a better understanding of the project.


The first step in creating this weather report was researching the weather of two different cities for three days. The cities I chose to research were Guilin and Charlotte, a Chinese city and an American city. The next step was to look at examples of weather reports made by other students so we could gather ideas. We then researched activities that were common in each of the cities. Next, using all that information, we made the script for our weather report. Finally, we recorded the video, edited it, and uploaded it to YouTube. Our weather report had to include the weather for that day, the temperature high, the temperature low, the sunrise time, the sunset time, and a suitable activity for that day’s weather.

The first artifact that demonstrates my growth in this area is the script that I used for the Chinese weather report. One of the main things that can be seen in this artifact is new vocabulary. Some of the words we learned were: sunny(晴朗 – qing lang), cloudy(多云 – duo yu), rain(雨 – yue), snow(雪 – xue), and wind(风 – feng). In this artifact, it can easily be seen that I have a much greater handle on Chinese vocabulary and grammar than I did before this unit.

The second artifact that demonstrates my growth in the area of my ability to communicate the Chinese language both in written and verbal forms is the video I created. This video showcases my Chinese speaking ability. A piece of classroom content that is evident in this video is the correct use of grammar. For example, the correct way to say “Charlotte’s weather on September 26th 2014 is slightly cloudy” in Chinese is, “二零一四年九月二十六号Charlotte的天气会一点儿云。To say the date correctly, the year is stated first followed by the month and day. You go from “largest” (year) to “smallest” (day).This artifact shows that I am able to communicate verbally in an accurate manner, using the new vocabulary and grammar that was taught this quarter.


The most valuable thing that I took from this endeavor was the proper grammar and use of words, which was shown in the script and video. Having to write a script and memorize the grammar structure helped me become more confident in my Chinese speaking and understand new things about the Chinese language. It has also helped reinforce the new vocabulary into my head. This will help me with future Chinese speaking by giving me more words in my vocabulary and a better understanding of how the Chinese language flows. Because of the hard work that I applied in this quarter and in this project, I was able to expand my horizon of knowledge in the Chinese language, which has helped me mature in my ability to communicate the Chinese language, both in written and verbal forms.



© 2015 by Nathan Keefer

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