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Novelette Project


The Novelette Project was a group project, in which we wrote an apocalyptic novelette. My group was a group of four students including me. Each of us created a major and minor character for our story. Each group decided what tense the story was in, and whether it was in first or third person. My group decided to write in first person and in present tense. Each of us wrote our chapters from the perspective of our characters. The apocalypse my group chose was; a meteor striking the earth and tilting the earth on it's axis, which caused volcanic activity, flooding, and massive climate shifts. Part of our grade was on one chapter. This chapter had to fulfill specific requirments and overall, be our best chapter.


In this project, I used a lot of communication skills. We learned how to improve our writing skills, grammar skills, and our editing skills. It was very difficult for me to communicate what my character looked like, what she believed, and over all; who she was. The more I wrote, the easier it became for me to write. Although it was a really big project, I thouroughly enjoyed it. This project expanded my writing and editing skills. I also learned that creative writing can be very fun and engaging. Overall, I am very glad that I had to do this project.

© 2015 by Nathan Keefer

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