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Zombie Growth Project


The Zombie Growth Project was a project in Math that was used to enhance our skills in writing and solving exponential equations. In this project we were separated into groups of two. The project consisted of: creating tables and graphs modeling the situation given, wrote a fake letter to the governor explaining the situation and using evidence to support our conclusion, and created a short powerpoint presentation that we used to present our findings to the class (Seen in the PDF below).


During this project, I struggled with making the graphs and tables on Fathom. The equations were very difficult in order to account for all of the variables. In this project, I used inquiry a lot. I had to explore new options and ways to explain things, and I had to as for help and explanations. I liked this project because it really helped me understand the concept of exponential equations. I also learned how to write exponential equations better, include more variables in those equations, and compare exponential growth and decay.

© 2015 by Nathan Keefer

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